Live your life by design, not by default

The past few years there has been a “movement” encouraging self-care and personal empowerment over our lives, and yet many of us continue to feel overwhelmed and unhappy. We spend our precious time and energy creating and enduring situations and experiences that are, “fine.”

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It’s time to let go of those limiting beliefs, get clarity about what you want, and nurture a relationship with yourself.

As a #1 International Best Selling author, speaker, mental fitness coach, and personal development expert; her focus is on helping others break free from expectations, and their own limiting beliefs so they feel empowered to create the life they’re intended to live. Woven into anyone of her 3 signature keynotes, Karsta shares how she spent a lifetime defaulting to things that “made sense,” leaving her stuck enduring a life that was… “fine.” And, how after an extensive internal “renovation project”, she’s learned to live life unapologetically, according to her own rules and guided by her own intuition. Her story is one of unyielding perseverance, unwavering love, and triumphant spirit.

Karsta’s calm and compassionate demeanor, her vulnerability, and a twist of tough love inspire and empower audiences and clients to stop settling for “fine” and ... Live their life by their design, not by default.


Available Presentations & Workshops


Fine Isn’t Good Enough: Creating Deeper Joy in Your Life

"Dive into 'Fine Isn't Good Enough: Creating Deeper Joy at Work and In Life,' a keynote that explores the transformative journey from settling for the ordinary to cultivating extraordinary fulfillment. Uncover the power of self-trust, inner wisdom, and intentional action as catalysts for crafting a life of genuine joy and purpose."

Key Takeaways:

  • Listening to Inner Wisdom: Learn the importance of tuning into your inner voice amidst life's noise, fostering self-trust, and using this intuition as a guiding force toward a more fulfilling existence.

  • Embodying Authenticity: Shift from merely settling for 'fine' to embracing the extraordinary by embodying the feelings and energies that truly light you up, cultivating a life that resonates with authenticity and joy.

  • Harmony, Not Balance: Understand the distinction between seeking balance and pursuing harmony in life, allowing for an ebb and flow between professional endeavors and personal life, creating a more holistic and fulfilling experience.

Calibrating Your Inner GPS: Navigating Your Future with Profound Clarity

“Siri®, I need directions away from my current location.” In this workshop, audiences will discover the power of defining their destination. Instead of simply steering away from the unwanted, learn to craft a vivid goals,, equipping them with practical strategies to navigate towards their aspirations with unwavering clarity and confidence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Clarity in Vision Crafting: Learn techniques to articulate a vivid and detailed vision of your desired future. Understand how setting a clear destination can profoundly impact your path and decisions.

  • Strategic Navigation Tools: Acquire practical strategies and tools to navigate towards your goals effectively. Explore methods to overcome obstacles, make informed choices, and stay aligned with your envisioned destination.

  • Mindset Shift Towards Achievement: Develop a proactive mindset that focuses on what you want to achieve rather than solely avoiding undesirable situations. Gain insights into harnessing the power of intention and purpose to drive your journey forward.

This Ain’t Your Momma’s Vision Board Party

"Embark on a transformative journey with our Vision Board Workshop. Uncover the science behind vision boards, explore the power of visualization, and craft a personalized roadmap to manifest your dreams. Join us and discover the key to setting inspiring goals aligned with your true self, ensuring a motivated and purposeful journey in the coming year, and beyond."

Key Takeaways:

  • Clarity in Goal Setting: Participants will leave with a newfound clarity regarding their goals for 2023. Through the workshop, they'll learn how to align these goals with their personal growth, ensuring a clear and concise vision for the future.

  • Creation of Personalized Vision Boards: Attendees will craft their personalized vision boards or start the process during the workshop. These visual representations of their aspirations will serve as powerful tools to stay motivated and focused on their goals.

  • Strategies for Ongoing Motivation and Implementation: Beyond creating the vision board, participants will gain practical strategies on how to leverage these boards effectively in their daily lives. They'll learn how to use their vision boards as a source of ongoing motivation and inspiration, ensuring they stay on track to achieve their dreams throughout the year.

Here’s what audiences have to say…

During the workshop, she led with such purpose and poise that it was inspiring to see her step into her field of knowledge with such confidence and understanding. She taught with such conviction and belief that the women apart of the workshop walked away with their own breakthroughs around understanding the importance taking care of themselves and be there for others in their lives. Karsta is a talented and gifted woman, who will captivate an audience and allow them to discover within themselves their own unique purpose and how to get there. -Emily T.

Thank you so much for showing me this new way to do the vision board! I love it! Everything truly is working out for me. - Patti

Do you have any idea what you saying “have a relationship with yourself” did for me?!!?!? I just had a breakthrough of epic proportions. Resonate does not even touch what I felt when you said that! It was like you hit the dynamite button on a four decade old block, mountain, granite thing in my soul heart! THANK You! Day 1 was epic beyond proportion! Meredyth L.


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